Buffalo Is Building
a New Shared Future
The Greater Buffalo Racial Equity Roundtable is comprised of more than 350 community partners working together in coordinated ways to advance racial equity and achieve an expanded, inclusive economy.
Roundtable Impact Stories
Who We Are
The Roundtable has a 10-point strategic agenda to close specific racial equity gaps in our community. This work is intentionally focused on changing systems by changing policies, practices and procedures. We recognize that when we work together to bridge the existing gaps in racial equity, more residents will be able to live, work and raise their children to reach their highest potential.
Your journey to becoming an advocate for racial equity can be as simple as reading a book or watching a movie and then discussing and sharing what you have learned in your circles of influence. We invite you to visit our resource section to explore content areas and types of tools to get started in developing an informed analysis about race, racism and racial equity.
Dividend Report
Understanding the importance of grounding the Roundtable’s work in data, the Roundtable released a report in 2016 titled The Racial Equity Dividend: Buffalo’s Great Opportunity. The report details what we all stand to gain when we close racial equity gaps in Western New York.